A brand new future can begin right away as the path to becoming a medical biller or coder awaits those looking to make a career change. The medical industry continues to expand and the need for new medical billers and coders increases by the day. Starting out in either one of those positions can usher in the future that is filled with financial possibilities. Medical billers and coders provide an important service that is a necessary part of the medical profession.
Overview of a Medical Biller
The job function of a medical biller should not be confused with that of a medical coder. Florida medical billers play a key role in every medical facility as they are the ones entrusted with the billing process. Medical billers take all available patient information and turn it into a claim that is submitted to insurance companies for reimbursement. Medical billers are also entrusted with collecting payments for the medical services provided to patients.
The daily activities of a medical biller include verifying forms of insurance, processing claims, interacting with healthcare providers and patients, and managing reports. Medical billers are also responsible for reviewing a variety of forms and checking each one for accuracy. That requires medical billers to have a very good eye for detail.
Medical billers in Florida can find employment in any kind of healthcare facility that charges for its services. Hospitals, nursing homes, private practices, and health agencies all require the services of medical billers.
Overview of a Medical Coder
A medical coder in the state of Florida plays an important role, which enables medical billers to carry out their job duties. Medical coders translate all of the services and procedures provided by health care providers into the appropriate codes. Medical coders are capable of taking medical transcription notes and translating them into codes as well. The correct coding is essential for the billing process.
Medical coders may even be asked to check into patient histories for pre-existing conditions. They also review documents and have a working knowledge of existing laws as they pertain to the release of patient information.
For all of those reasons, medical coding jobs are vital for all types of healthcare facilities throughout the state of Florida. Medical coding is very detailed and involves knowing an immense amount of medical codes, medical terminology, and healthcare information procedures.
Job Prospects and Potential Pay
Florida medical billers and coders can expect to make an average annual salary of $39,830. However, the ceiling for experienced medical billers and coders is much higher as the top earners make an average of $61,100 per year in Florida. The job market is also expanding for medical billers and coders in the state of Florida. There is already one of the highest concentrations of medical billers and coders working in Florida and the number of new jobs is expected to increase by 24% by the year 2024. Such a high number of job opportunities bodes very well for current and future medical billing and coding professionals.
Florida cities you may look to for medical billing and coding education information: Orlando, Tampa, Pompano Beach, Miramar, Sarasota, Fort Meyers, and Miami.
Top Florida cities/areas for medical billing and coding careers: Lakeland, Winter Haven, Crestview, Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Naples, Marco Island, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach, Jacksonville, Pensacola, Ferry Pass, Brent, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Orlando and Kissimmee.
Some potential Florida employers of medical billers and coders:
- AdventHealth Orlando
- Tampa General Hospital
- Jacksonville Mayo Clinic
- Orlando Regional Medical Center
- Baptist Hospital
- Boca Raton Regional Hospital
- Tallahassee Primary Care Associates
- Mount Sinai Medical Center
- Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery
State Licensing Requirements
Florida has not established any kind of license for medical billers or coders. That enables medical billers and coders to find work without having to show proof of any kind of license. It is also important to note that medical billing and coding certifications are not classified as licenses. While healthcare facilities routinely require medical and billers to hold some kind of certification, these should not be confused with licenses.
Florida Medical Billing and Coding Certification Process
It is very common for medical billing and coding professionals in Florida to have earned a certification or even multiple certifications. Those certifications are offered by colleges, technical schools and vocational institutes throughout the state. The shortest route to earning a certification is through a certificate program offered by an accredited post-secondary school. These certificate programs can take anywhere from 6-12 months to complete.
The second option is to enroll in a two-year Medical Billing and Coding program offered by a college. Completion of a two-year program results in the awarding of an Associate’s Degree, which is a respected form of certification. Some employers require their medical billers and coders to have a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in order to gain employment.
Medical billers and coders looking to add to their credentials can take a certification exam offered by the AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association) or AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders). These national organizations also require medical billers and coders to pursue some form of ongoing education to maintain their certifications.
Certifications are available on a separate basis for medical coders and medical billers. However, a good number of certification programs combine the two disciplines into one unified curriculum. Certifications increase the chances of obtaining a job, although holding a certification will not guarantee employment. Nevertheless, non-certified medical billers and coders face a tougher time when it comes to obtaining a job, particularly without any significant experience.
Meeting Education Requirements
An education in medical billing and coding typically requires a high school diploma or GED equivalency. One-year certification programs may provide a little more leeway in the admissions process, although the basic skills that come with earning a high school diploma or GED equivalency are extremely useful through the medical billing and coding education process.
Florida Health Information Management Association
Medical billers and coders can stay updated with the latest in health information technology on this website.
The Florida Medical Association provides news, resources and the latest medical information throughout the state.
Browse through online listings and apply to multiple medical coding jobs on this website.
Medical Biller Jobs in Florida
There is a large selection of medical billing positions in the state of Florida and applying online is simple through this website.
American Health Information Management Association
The AHIMA certifies medical billers and coders while also providing a host of online resources.